My dear delight is now 23 and of course I am his wicked stepmother but we are very, very fond of each other and I am extremely proud of him. He recently left the heaving metropolis of Coffs Harbour and took off for a new swanky job in Brisbane: he's a mixologist, dontcha know, and has transformed himself quite magically into a forward-thinking, go-getting young man with a professional persona and a blog of his own. I imagine crowds of hip young things will be making their way to the bar quite soon... all of which makes me feel quite old, despite VERY trendy new glasses and a hair cut. Oh well.

OK, I'm in! Patrick's blog is bookmarked.
(And I've had my hair cut but it's certainly for cyber publication!)
I soooo know what you mean, my son will be 23 this year, finishing Uni in a couple of weeks time. It really makes you look at your wardrobe to see if twin sets and man made fibres are creeping in!
swanky do and glasses
Yep - quite hard to imagine during those teenage years that such a metamorphosis were possible; but he's turned out alright in the end! I can hear you saying 'Phew!" from here!
Like the glasses and the do - did you get varifocals in the end?
You look fantastic! No WAY you have a 23 year old step son!
Thanks Fiona. Good to know I've turned out alright in the end
Great photo!
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