Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Well, to my astonishment I got an award today, from Jan Allsopp who writes the ' my spare time' blog ( This is it...

Thank you Jan!

The deal is that you reference the person who created the award, Emila, and then nominate 5 blogs you love to receive the award themselves... trouble is, I feel a bit funny about that because, as a relatively new blogger with a small audience I guess I haven't made that many contacts in the blogsphere and feel a bit uncomfortable about embracing people I don't know. How British of me! But it really is a great way of telling people about other interesting blogs, so without going the whole hog of sending them the award I'd like to tell you about these five sites that I visit, and maybe you'd be interested in them too:

Indexed - just a really amusing take on the world

ScienceWoman - ah yes, fighting the pressures of modern living, being a mother AND studying. I've been reading this blog for over a year, with enormous sympathy and recognition that I'm not doing what I do alone!

The Lancelet - who knew fossils were this much fun?

PrintFreak - this hasn't been updated in a while now, but if you're a printmaker it's still an interesting read!

Hackleys - the adventures of David Abbott, with whom I was at UWE for a brief while. He's definitely got more energy than me...

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